Discover advanced AML strategies to protect financial institutions from money laundering, terrorism financing, and other financial crimes by leveraging AI-powered digital intelligence tools.
Erkunden >Wir statten Organisationen in verschiedenen Branchen mit innovativen Lösungen zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche, Betrug, illegalen Kryptowährungstransaktionen und anderen Finanzverbrechen aus. Unsere fortschrittlichen Tools identifizieren potenzielle Cyberangriffe, Geschäftsunterbrechungen und böswillige Aktivitäten und liefern Echtzeit-Einsichten, die schnelles Handeln und effektive Abhilfemaßnahmen ermöglichen.
Penlink’s digital investigation platform provides a holistic solution for analysts and investigators tasked by companies, financial institutions, or governments to detect and stop fraudulent activity online. Using artificial intelligence, investigative professionals can automatically analyze online data for behavioral anomalies, and detect the sale of personally identifiable information (PII), synthetic identities, and fraud kits.
Check customer application data to determine correct traits or behavioral anomalies that could indicate synthetic or fake identities.
– Detailed Item: dollar-bills-document
– Detailed Item: Verify Identities
– Detailed Item: Detect Fake Traits
Collect information and draw connections with other offenders using artificial intelligence.
– Detailed Item: caution-indicator-file
– Detailed Item: Identify Fraud Tactics Online
– Detailed Item: Use AI Connections
Conduct targeted monitoring for compromised customer identity details, vulnerable bank services, data leaks, or other fraud threats.
– Detailed Item: caution-sign-magnifying
– Detailed Item: Monitoring
– Detailed Item: Darknet Threats
Entdecken Sie Fallstudien, die die Effektivität der Penlink-Plattform veranschaulichen.
Discover advanced AML strategies to protect financial institutions from money laundering, terrorism financing, and other financial crimes by leveraging AI-powered digital intelligence tools.
Erkunden >Penlink’s automated digital investigation platform provides holistic solutions for detecting fraudulent activities online.
Erkunden >Mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung von Kryptowährungen und Blockchain-Vermögenswerten sehen sich Finanzinstitute und Unternehmen immer größeren Risiken durch Betrug und kriminelle Aktivitäten ausgesetzt, darunter Ponzi-Schemata, Marktmanipulation, Insiderhandel, Betrug und Diebstahl. Entdecken Sie, wie unsere Plattform zur Untersuchung von Kryptowährungen diesen hohen Risiken begegnet.
Erkunden >Discover how our innovative solutions help agencies and institutions stay ahead of criminals.
A 200-year old bank with branches in several countries was struggling with its fight against money laundering and terror financing by its (potential) clients. The bank simply could not afford its pristine reputation to be damaged by any breaches of the various KYC regulations.
Government agency security practices and protocols are not optimized to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse. Furthermore, fraud techniques constantly evolve, as do the tools used by individuals and organized crime networks.
Penlink brings extensive years of vast experience in the global intelligence market. The company team is comprised of an experienced group of individuals from military and intelligence agencies, along with high-tech expertise.
Using advanced AI and comprehensive data analysis, our platform enables the detection and dismantling of criminal networks that pose significant threats to financial institutions. By uncovering hidden connections, patterns, and anomalies within vast datasets, we empower organizations to safeguarding their assets and ensuring regulatory compliance.
Mehr lesenErforschen Sie die Analyse von Finanzdaten für Ermittlungen. Lernen Sie mit uns verschiedene Arten von Finanzdaten kennen, darunter Bankaktivitäten und digitale Fußabdrücke von Plattformen wie Apple iCloud, Venmo und CashApp. Gewinnen Sie Einblicke in die Techniken der Datenerfassung und lernen Sie, wie Sie die PenLink-Tools nutzen können, um die Informationen effektiv zu analysieren und zu interpretieren.
Erkunden >Diese Sitzung wird sich mit der komplizierten Welt der Amazon-Daten und ihrer entscheidenden Rolle bei der Aufklärung komplexer Verbrechen befassen.
Erkunden >Lernen Sie, wie Sie OSINT nutzen können, um Ermittlungen voranzutreiben, Spuren zu identifizieren und die notwendigen Beweise zu ermitteln, um Ihre Ermittlungen mit Zuversicht voranzutreiben.
Erkunden >Our real-time insights allow you to proactively identify and remediate financial crimes, minimizing risk and protecting your reputation, digital assets, and physical security.
Mehr erfahrenMeasuring the success of our financial crime solutions.
reduction in fraud detection time.
improvement in financial regulations.
reduction in manual errors.
improvement in detection accuracy.
Our comprehensive platforms provide unparalleled intelligence and data insights to proactively address financial crime and fraud, ensuring complete security for your institution.
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