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Changes to Google Pen Registers & Live Intercepts

Changes to Google Pen Registers & Live Intercepts

Curious about how Google’s recent changes to pen registers and live intercepts impact your agency? Discover what you need to know about the new CALEA standard, and how PenLink’s PLX Intercept system ensures you’re prepared to seamlessly handle these updates. Stay informed and ahead of the game.

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How Criminal Investigators can Fill in Story Gaps Using Vehicle and Ride-sharing Data

How Criminal Investigators can Fill in Story Gaps Using Vehicle and Ride-sharing Data

Unlock the hidden potential of vehicle data in digital investigations with our concise guide. This article highlights how Berla vehicle forensics and ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft can reveal target locations, call logs, and more. Discover how tools like PLX help filter and analyze this data, transforming it into actionable intelligence for cases like homicides and hit-and-runs.

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