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OSINT As Your Compass: Utilizing Open-source Data to Guide Your Investigations

OSINT As Your Compass: Utilizing Open-source Data to Guide Your Investigations

In today’s digital age, navigating open-source information (OSINT) effectively can significantly enhance investigative efforts. Presenters John O’Hare and Stephen Lerner will cover OSINT basics, discuss what qualifies as open-source information, and why it’s crucial for deep investigations. The session will outline legal guidelines for OSINT use, offer actionable advice on initiating OSINT-based investigations and pinpointing […]

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Operação Rodas Giratórias: Navegar pelos desafios jurídicos, técnicos e analíticos da vigilância eletrónica a longo prazo

Operação Rodas Giratórias: Navegar pelos desafios jurídicos, técnicos e analíticos da vigilância eletrónica a longo prazo

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work on a 24-month wiretap? Join Investigative Analyst Paul Swartz as he takes you through OCDETF case “Operation Spinning Wheels;” the ups and downs and challenges for agents, analysts, tech agents, and prosecutors which occurred during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. This presentation will demonstrate how […]

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Promoção da segurança nacional e mundial: Quatro Pilares para uma Interoperabilidade Reforçada

Promoção da segurança nacional e mundial: Quatro Pilares para uma Interoperabilidade Reforçada

Este artigo foi publicado pela primeira vez no Police1, disponível neste link. Por Kevin Pope, CEO, PenLink As agências devem adotar tecnologia de ponta para agilizar a partilha de informações e simplificar a recolha de dados para obter informações essenciais para a missão. As complexidades em constante evolução dos cenários de segurança nacional e global representam um desafio cada vez mais formidável para as agências de inteligência e de aplicação da lei. Este desafio [...]

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Investigator Spotlight: Frank Perhacs of the Ohio HIDTA

Investigator Spotlight: Frank Perhacs of the Ohio HIDTA

In this month’s edition of our monthly Investigative Q&A series, we sat down with Frank Perhacs, an investigative support center manager with the Ohio HIDTA, about the future of investigations and how digital evidence is changing the law enforcement landscape. This month’s edition explores Perhacs’s most helpful tip for using PenLink in investigations, how digital […]

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Compreender o Apple iCloud: Como solicitar e analisar retornos históricos

Compreender o Apple iCloud: Como solicitar e analisar retornos históricos

Neste momento, já sabe que pode solicitar dados históricos ao Apple iCloud. Talvez até saiba o tipo de informação que este pedido lhe pode dar. Mas sabe como começar? Junte-se ao especialista em comunicações na Internet, Scott Tuma, para um mergulho profundo nos dados do Apple iCloud e na utilização do PenLink para analisar os resultados. Em [...]

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Busting Myths About Collecting Social‑media Data for Criminal Investigations

Busting Myths About Collecting Social‑media Data for Criminal Investigations

Social-media companies collect and store data to understand patterns for advertising and product-development purposes. The data collected and behavior patterns revealed are also useful to criminal investigations. Investigators need to build patterns of activity for any target with whom they are communicating, and of the specific content in conversations. Unfortunately, many persistent myths about social-media […]

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Social-media Data Provides Valuable Information for Criminal Investigations

Social-media Data Provides Valuable Information for Criminal Investigations

There are a few persistent myths in law enforcement today: that social-media data isn’t useful for investigations, that it is too expensive to gather and analyze, and that working with social media companies is too difficult to be practical. This article will help you debunk these myths and explore how, when properly dealt with, social-media […]

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