Sieben nicht-traditionelle Verwendungszwecke für Anrufdatensätze
16. Mai 2024 Einleitung Anrufdatensätze (Call Detail Records, CDRs) sind seit langem ein unschätzbares Hilfsmittel für Strafverfolgungsbeamte, da sie wichtige Einblicke in Kommunikationsmuster liefern. Es gibt jedoch mehrere nicht-traditionelle Möglichkeiten, CDRs zu nutzen, die die Ermittlungen verbessern und versteckte Verbindungen aufdecken können. Hier ist eine Liste innovativer Methoden, die Sie in Betracht ziehen sollten: 1. Geo-Fencing-Analyse: Nutzung der Standortinformationen des Mobiltelefons [...]
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Ermittler im Rampenlicht: Frank Perhacs von der Ohio HIDTA
In der diesjährigen Ausgabe unserer monatlichen Reihe Investigative Q&A haben wir uns mit Frank Perhacs, einem Investigative Support Center Manager beim Ohio HIDTA, über die Zukunft der Ermittlungen und darüber unterhalten, wie digitale Beweise die Landschaft der Strafverfolgung verändern. In dieser Ausgabe geht es um Perhacs' hilfreichsten Tipp für den Einsatz von PenLink bei Ermittlungen, wie digitale [...]
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Das Innere eines Mordes: Mit digitalen Beweisen zur Verurteilung
PenLink begrüßt Major Crimes Detective Timothy Spitzer, der über einen Mordfall berichtet, bei dem er als Sachverständiger aussagte. Detective Spitzer erörtert den Fall und erklärt, wie die im Laufe der Ermittlungen in PLX gewonnenen und analysierten Social-Media-Beweise dazu beitrugen, einen Verdächtigen einzugrenzen und zu Verhaftungen zu führen. Er berichtet auch [...]
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Live Social Media Collection and Analysis: Busting the Myths for Today’s Investigations
The world of communication has rapidly changed in recent years. According to a recent Pew Research Center study, 82% of cell phones are smartphones, and people are using a variety of means to communicate, including calls, texts, email, chat applications, and social media platforms. With the rise of Internet and smartphone usage, social media is […]
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Maximizing Your Social Media Search-Warrant Returns
Social media providers can provide you with endless amounts of data and insights—but only if you know what to ask for. Join internet-communications expert Scott Tuma for this OnDemand webinar as he highlights the data available by search warrants from today’s most popular providers. Learn how to properly request and acquire data with historical search […]
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Thinking Out-of-the-Box: Uncover more with unconventional search-warrant requests
Social media providers can provide you with endless amounts of data and insights—but only if you know what to ask for. Think out of the box and add new data sources to your investigations from providers like WhatsApp, Netflix, Uber, Lyft, Venmo, and BERLA. Listen in on this OnDemand webinar and join internet-communications expert Scott […]
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Find Value In Interagency Connections
Early adopters of PLX Connect, the recently released PLX feature that allows for interagency connections, are finding value in being able to cross-reference data from other databases. Users have learned that sharing data with fellow agencies in a safe and secure way has extreme benefits. Many of the early adopters have gained greater insight into […]
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Leveraging Lawful Intercepts
View this presentation on leveraging lawful intercepts and get a side-by-side comparison of all types of intercepts and a cost vs benefit analysis of each type. We will discuss real cases that utilized PLX and PenPoint to assist in furthering and closing investigations. Following this on-demand webinar, attendees will: Understand the different types of intercepts […]
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Strengthening Your Investigation With Social Media Data
Strengthening Your Investigation With Social Media Data When violent gang activity in the California Bay area hit a tipping point, law enforcement agents knew they needed something special to gain the upper hand in their investigations. That’s where live social media intercepts turned into the secret weapon agents needed to start making arrests. Live social […]
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Broaden Your Community With PLX Connect
With the news of the recently released PLX Connect feature, agencies can now gain greater insight with cross-agency deconfliction. PLX Connect allows agencies to share and search data in a safe and secure way. By leveraging the data in this larger collective community, investigators can make faster case connections, improve officer safety, and identify larger […]
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