Operación Spinning Wheels: Desafíos jurídicos, técnicos y analíticos de la vigilancia electrónica a largo plazo
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work on a 24-month wiretap? Join Investigative Analyst Paul Swartz as he takes you through OCDETF case “Operation Spinning Wheels;” the ups and downs and challenges for agents, analysts, tech agents, and prosecutors which occurred during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This presentation will demonstrate how PenLink helped in the historical analysis of Cellebrite downloads and CDRs with cell-site and then the prospective collection and monitoring of 50 pen registers with cell-site, 71 GPS and 22 T-III wiretaps.
This webinar will cover:
- An overview of the legal requirements for conducting electronic surveillance such as pen registers, cell-site, GPS, and T-III wiretapping of telephones and oral bugs and CCTV.
- How to use PLX to conduct court-authorized electronic surveillance such as pen registers, cell-site, GPS, and T-III wiretapping of telephones.
- The benefits and advantages as well as the pitfalls and limitations of conducting electronic surveillance over a long period of time.
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